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亞太區鼓手比賽 아시아 퍼시픽 드러머 콩쿠르

獎項 공모전 상금 

Prizes 2018

Category 1. 
Hong Kong Young Drumset Category (only open to HK residents)
Young person Junior- age 12 or below (HKYJ) 


Trophy and Certificate

Tom Lee Cash Coupon $400

HKdrumfest Artist in residence 

HKdrumfest Advance Drumline intensive class training- 1 year (total value HKD 40,000)

HKDrumFest Drum Up Channel- 1 year full Membership package (total value HKD 6,000)

HKDrumFest drum stick a dozen (total value HKD 1200)

Neumann Headphone 

Other Prize offer by sponsor

1st Runner up

Trophy and Certificate

HKDrumFest Drum Up Channel- 6 months Membership package (total value HKD 3,000)

Sennheiser Headphone

Other Prize offer by sponsor

2nd Runner up

Trophy and Certificate

HKDrumFest Drum Up Channel- 3 months Membership package (total value HKD 1,500)

Sennheiser Headphone

Other Prize offer by sponsor

Prizes 2018

Category 2.
Asia Pacific 
Professional Drumset Category  (open to all Asian Pacific Drummers)
Young Person Junior Advance -age 12 or below  (APYJ) (born on or after 1 January, 2011) 


Trophy and Certificate​

HKdrumfest Artist in residence

HKDrumFest drum stick a dozen (total value HKD 1200)

Neumann Headphone 

Tom Lee Cash Coupon $1000

Other Prize offer by sponsor

1st Runner up

Trophy and Certificate

HKdrumfest Artist in residence 

Sennheiser Headphone

Tom Lee Cash Coupon $700

Other Prize offer by sponsor

2nd Runner up

Trophy and Certificate

HKdrumfest Artist in residence 

Sennheiser Headphone

Tom Lee Cash Coupon $500

Other Prize offer by sponsor

Prizes 2018

Category 3
. Asia Pacific 
Professional Drumset Category   (open to all Asian Pacific Drummers)
Asia Pacific Open -No age limit (APO) 


Trophy and Certificate

HKDrumFest Cash Prize $1000​

HKdrumfest Artist in residence 

HKDrumFest drum stick a dozen (total value HKD 1200)

Neumann Headphone 

Tom Lee Cash Coupon $2000

Other Prize offer by sponsor

1st Runner up

Trophy and Certificate

HKDrumFest Cash Prize $700​

HKdrumfest Artist in residence 

Sennheiser Headphone

Tom Lee Cash Coupon $1000

Other Prize offer by sponsor

2nd Runner up

Trophy and Certificate

HKDrumFest Cash Prize $500​

HKdrumfest Artist in residence 

Sennheiser Headphone

Tom Lee Cash Coupon $600

Other Prize offer by sponsor

Prizes 2018

Category 4.
Asia Pacific Professional Marching Snare Category  (open to all Asian Pacific Drummers)
Young Person Junior Advance- age 12 or below (APYJS) (born on or after 1 January, 2011) 


Trophy and Certificate

HKdrumfest Artist in residence 

HKDrumFest drum stick a dozen (total value HKD 1200)

Neumann Headphone 

Tom Lee Cash Coupon $1000

Other Prize offer by sponsor

1st Runner up

Trophy and Certificate

HKdrumfest Artist in residence 

Sennheiser Headphone

Tom Lee Cash Coupon $700

Other Prize offer by sponsor

2nd Runner up

Trophy and Certificate

HKdrumfest Artist in residence 

Sennheiser Headphone

Tom Lee Cash Coupon $500

Other Prize offer by sponsor

Prizes 2018

Category 5. Asia Pacific Professional Marching Snare Category  (open to all Asian Pacific Drummers)
Asia Pacific Open -No age limit (APOS) 


Trophy and Certificate

HKDrumFest Cash Prize $1000​

HKdrumfest Artist in residence 

Neumann Headphone 

Tom Lee Cash Coupon $2000

Other Prize offer by sponsor

1st Runner up

Trophy and Certificate

HKDrumFest Cash Prize $700​

HKdrumfest Artist in residence 

Sennheiser Headphone

Tom Lee Cash Coupon $1000

Other Prize offer by sponsor

2nd Runner up

Trophy and Certificate

HKDrumFest Cash Prize $500​

HKdrumfest Artist in residence 

Sennheiser Headphone

Tom Lee Cash Coupon $600

Other Prize offer by sponsor



  • 수상자는 대회 종료 후 2개월 이내에 미디어 인터뷰를 포함하되 이에 국한되지 않는 대회 후 프로모션에 참여할 의무가 있습니다. 당첨자는 HKdrumfest에서 요청한 프로모션 자료를 제공해야 합니다.


1) 조직은 참가자의 이미지 및 비디오를 게시할 수 있는 권한을 가집니다. 주최자가 사용 가능한 모든 것은 이해 당사자에게 권리나 보상을 지급하는 것으로 간주되지 않습니다.

2) 지원자는 지원서/온라인 지원서가 성공적으로 제출되면 약관에 구속됩니다.

3) 전형료는 환불되지 않습니다.

4) 주최자는 필요한 증빙 서류가 없는 경우 출품작을 실격 처리할 수 있습니다.
5) 주최자는 통지 없이 수정할 수 있는 권리를 보유합니다. 최신 업데이트 버전은 공식 웹사이트를 참조해야 합니다.

6) 주최자는 분쟁을 해결하는 최종 권한이 있습니다. 모든 최종 분쟁 해결 결정은 최종적이고 구속력이 있습니다.


추가 문의사항은 아래로 연락주세요

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