2024 Drums N Move- Modern Drumline Battle Joints Schools Competition
自2017年,鼓手節創辦了以鼓隊組合形式為主的教育項目 "Drums n Move"「鼓動節拍」鼓樂實踐計劃,「鼓動節拍」演出以西方鼓隊(Drumline)為核心,鼓隊演出時,在鼓樂節奏上結合多元化鼓棍起手花式,拋和打的姿勢,音色與形體共同表達在表演中。藝術上除了節奏,音色和動作結合外,更重視隊制化,進行步法,團隊統一和紀律性,鼓棍敲擊要求的齊整度等。
由籌辦至今,本節累積了鼓隊形式訓練對學生的重要和吸收了美國Drum Corps International 比賽的經驗,由2024年舉辦了第一屆「現代鼓隊對決校際比賽」。
1.鼓板合奏組 (EDRJ)
2.混合敲擊樂合奏組 (EDPMJ)
This year, the "Drums in Move" Drumming in Practice Project incorporated inter-school competition elements, providing schools with the opportunity to showcase their drumming skills and learn from each other. This year's event was named the "2024 Drums N Move- Modern Drumline Battle Schools Competition" and was open to all primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong in 4 categories.
1. Drumpad Ensemble Junior (EDPJ)
2. Drumline Mixed Ensemble Junior-Mixed with Drumpad and Percussion (EDPMJ)
3. Individual Drumpad Solo (IDPS)
4. Individual Snare Solo (ISS)